The analysis of the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections by AtliQ Media aimed to present unbiased insights on voter turnout and other themes. Key findings included variations in voter turnout ratios, consistency in party performance, and shifts in vote shares. The analysis also explored potential correlations between voter turnout and factors like postal votes, GDP, and literacy rates. Recommendations to enhance electoral participation included improving voting accessibility, increasing voter education, and removing barriers to voting.
AtliQ Media is a private media company and they wanted to telecast a show on Lok Sabha elections 2024 in India. Unlike other channels they do not want to have a debate on who is going to win this election, they rather wanted to present insights from 2014 and 2019 elections without any bias and discuss less explored themes like voter turnout percentage in India. Peter is a data analyst in the company, and he is handed over this task of generating meaningful insights from data. Since this is a sensitive topic, he help from his manager Tony Sharma who provided the list of primary and secondary questions.
Data Cleaning
Data Transformation