Here is the background information on your task Human Resources at our telecom client is highly into diversity and inclusion. They’ve been working hard to improve gender balance at the executive management level, but they’re not seeing any progress. They’re reaching out to us for help.
At PwC Switzerland we are often approached by clients seeking support with diversity and inclusion. Companies need a workforce of diverse talents and backgrounds to succeed in an increasingly complex and heterogeneous world. To us, diversity and inclusion are business imperatives, not just nice-to-haves. We aim for all of our teams to feel welcome and appreciated. But actually achieving this and unlocking its potential involves a whole set of practical challenges.
insights from the dashboard: total employee 500, male 295 and female 205, newly hired 66 and out of which only 41%v female. gender gap is highest for 30 to 39 age group. out of newly hired more than 85% are male for executive and director level job posts. Female protion percentage is also lower for those posts. Female spend more than 3 years in executive job level where men only 2 years. Turnover rate is also higher for women 11.17% where for men it is 9.32%. No women left as executive post where the number is highes at 3.0 for senior manager and junior officer level posts. Only 36.84% are women who got 4 as performance rating where average rating for women is highest. in terms of executive gender balance 20% executive were female but in FY20 all hired and promoted as executive were male, due to that women percentage came down to 12.5%. In a positive note after FY21 promotion the female percentage came to 15.79% Where company most work force is at 20-29 years age group, Executive females are only 40to 49 years old.
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A few weeks after presenting your dashboard to the management, the Retention Manager from the telecom reaches out to you directly. He was impressed by your work and asked if you can put together a dashboard about customer retention.
In addition, to better understand the data, the telecom Retention Manager has scheduled a meeting with the engagement partner at PwC to cover these points:
Customers in the telecom industry are hard-earned: we don’t want to lose them The retention department is here to get customers back in case of termination Currently, we get in touch after they have terminated the contract, but this is reactionary: it would be better to know in advance who is at risk We have done customer analysis with Excel: it has always ended in a dead-end We would like to know more about our customers: visualised clearly so that it’s self-explanatory for our management The Retentions Manager has provided some information in the resources.
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